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Lean On Me!
Mentor's Role
(and what to expect as a mentee!)
Good Mentors know how to get the best out of people. They will have used their Leadership skills by getting others to do whatever was needed to succeed. Leaders are experienced in making decisions indeed—an excellent way to tell if you are talking with a Leader is how decisive they are. Successful Mentors keep themselves well-briefed, up-to-date, and current in what they do. Leaders make good Mentors because they have been down that road before. You benefit from the Mentor guiding you away from the pitfalls they have seen happen in the past. Even a Leader needs someone to lean on - a mentor they respect and one with broad shoulders!
A Mentor develops a close, professional and trusting partnership with a Mentee. Early success is the best way to build confidence in your Team of Two! Everyone likes a winner, so Mentors will aim to achieve early success to get the relationship off to a good start. After all, the Mentor must gain their trust, which must be built and not be assumed. Mentors enjoy conversations that are open and wide-ranging. They quickly focus on what needs to be done immediately. They will establish a solid relationship early on and work closely to create Your Team of Two! They know it is your objectives that need fulfilling.
The Mentor's Role
Experienced Mentors will practice listening, remaining flexible, and being naturally curious. The Mentor will always share anything that is not in the Mentee's best long-term interest.
Mentees should select a Mentor who has felt the heat of failure and the delight of success. Mentors must have a proven track record of experience in Leading organisations of different sizes, in various sectors, and preferably Internationally! Leadership is not a sport; it requires both width and depth - Leading people, driving change, communicating well, building trust, and never quitting in pursuit of delivering a result.​
An experienced Mentor will play to the Mentee's strengths, directing them toward what needs to be done to succeed. Their broad business experience may quickly include closures, startups, and new products and services. They may have expertise in Leading a business turnaround and hiring and firing people.
The Mentee can lean on the Mentor's experience to guide the Mentor on the most appropriate path to a particular challenge. People have different personalities; there is no one-size-fits-all! Mentors are skilled at recognising those capable of achieving - despite others considering them too quiet, noisy, or disruptive. Mentors learn not to pre-judge people. The Mentor looks for character, drive and determination when helping a Mentee.
The Mentee's Role
Mentees must have a good understanding and technical knowledge of their industry and its markets and, most of all, enjoy what they do; otherwise, they will not become a Leader! The Mentee's role is to listen to the Mentor's advice, engage in discussions and do what they say they will do. There is no point in having a Mentor if you ignore them! Remember, the objective is to help make you a Leader, and Leaders act on what they promise!
The Mentoring process takes time as the Team of Two needs to build trust and confidence quickly. The early part of the mentoring process is usually time-consuming, establishing a good working relationship and agreeing on clear, achievable goals. As trust builds, the process can move quickly from meeting minds to getting it done! Mentees should always select a Mentor who is genuinely interested in the Mentee, what you do, and how you do it.
Your Team of Two
Mentor and Mentee have to be aligned and focused on the Mentee's objectives. A Mentor will be someone you have the utmost respect and confidence in, a person with a successful track record at the head of an organisation.
Mentoring succeeds only when the Mentee achieves an agreed goal.
Check-list forÂ
Successful Mentoring
Get to know each other
Be open and straightforward
Achieve an early success
Build trust by getting things done
Play to each other’s strengths
Utilise other resources that help
Enjoy working with each other
Try something new together
Measure progress - regular reviews
Remain flexible - open to new ideas
Keep content private & confidential
"Only others can judge
whether you are a success."
"Despite some setbacks, you kept your chin up, determined to be successful. I liked your desire to stand alongside your employees, working as a team, instead of remaining in your office and giving orders. I was not surprised to learn that 'retirement' was not on your agenda, and you still enjoy helping those who come to you for support in their aspirations. I found your book 'it does matter' interesting, and I look forward to the next episode!"
Kathleen -